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Ashton Leigh

How to Become A Morning Person

Although I wouldn’t consider myself a morning person, I know a couple ideas that can help get me out on the right side of bed. I share with you guys 8 bedtime and morning hacks that can train your body into liking mornings more!

Before Bedtime Hacks:

1. Pick out your outfit the night before

I’m the morning if you don’t have an outfit in mind or picked out you can loose track of time. Also you will spend more time worrying about the time instead of thinking about what you are going to wear

2. Don’t be on your phone if trying to fall asleep

The blue light which phones have, trick your mind into thinking it’s light outside and therefore thinking you don’t need to sleep. A helpful tip on iPhones is to set your screen to night mode. This way the blue light won’t distract you.

3. Clean your room the night before

Another way to become a morning person is to be less stressed. Waking up to a clean room can add as something you don’t have to do later so you won’t worry about it in the morning.

4. Be relaxed

Have a night routine that calms down your body and prepares to fall asleep. Our bodies crave routines; it’s relaxing and unthinkable to where the body gets tired as well as the mind. By being relaxed you can fall into a deeper night sleep and wake up ready for the day.

Morning Hacks:

5. Say no to Snooze

Waking up multiple times can disrupt your sleep. It makes you feel you got less sleep than you actually did because your brain tricks you into thinking you need more sleep. Also snoozing your alarm with make you feel more tired, since you never got out of bed.

6. Make your bed

Something to always do in the mornings is making your bed. This allows you to start your day off right with a simple task. It also makes it seem like you have everything together if your bed is made and your room is clean.

7. Get blood flowing

To have better energy in the mornings, stretch or workout. By doing a couple stretches you can release any tension from sleeping. Working out allows for more motivation to getting ready for the day, after the workout.

8. Eat breakfast

The most important take away is to always eat breakfast. You here to never skip breakfast because it’s so important to get your day started right. Food can apply for more energy. Make sure to always eat it because it supplies energy for the whole day!

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