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Ashton Dain


Hey, cuties!! I asked what blog post you wanted to see next between HTS: OTK brown boots or 20 things you probably don't know about me! And the second one won! Hope you love this post! Let me know if I should do more posts like these in the future!

1: I run xc and track on my high school team

2: I play soccer on my high school team as well as my club soccer team

3: All my traveling posts have been for my soccer team as we travel often for tournaments

4: I love hair care! I will do hair masks here and there with some coconut oil

5: I prefer baths over showers all day every day! They’re so relaxing and great for a long day at school

6: I’m only 16 years young and I’m a junior in high school

7: I already know where I’m going to college as I committed to NWMSU for soccer! Super excited!

8: I am very confident and don’t mind what people say as long as I’m having fun

9: When I first meet you I’ll be just a little shy but 10 minutes into our conversation I’m very outgoing and will hopefully make you laugh a lot haha!

10: Summer is my favorite season! The cold has an impact on my mood as I feel I’m not as energized and less happy! But pool days, tanning, now those are my favorite!

11: I’m 5’6, almost 5’7, so I usually tell people I’m 5’7 now ;) ;)

12: I CAN EAT FOREVER! Have you ever had a whole box of Double Stuf Oreos in one sitting? Also, does anyone know why it’s Double Stuf instead of Double Stuff with two F’s?

13: I cannot eat vegetables! The only ones I will eat without being forced to are corn and carrots! But there has to be ranch, like who eats carrots plain??

14: My dream destinations I hope to visit one day are: Italy, Greece (specifically Santorini), and Bora Bora!

15: I’m apart of the eCommunications segment in my school hoping to become a sportscaster just like Erin Andrew's one day!

16: I’m your sweets girl! But my favorite meal would have to be a good burger and fries! 😋😋

17: I have an older sister who also goes to NWMSU and when I get there she’ll be a senior but student teaching so I won’t see her that much! She also is on the steppers which are the dance team there!

18: I also have a younger brother who is a freshman in high school. He has special needs and loves animals and hopes to do something in that career field.

19: Both of my parents are involved in education and have been doing it their whole careers!

20: I’m very emotional towards any romance or drama movie. If there’s one on I’m 100% crying

That’s 20 things you may be or most likely didn’t know about me! Which one surprised you the most? Let me know if you liked this post and send e some dms with any questions you have about me:) love you all!

Thanks so much for reading,

Ashton Dain

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