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Ashton Dain

Spring Break-Colorado

Last week I spent the majority of my spring break with my friend in Colorado! We left Monday morning at four! Yes four in the morning. It was good though because I slept for multiple hours but we still got there in time to relax and set up everything for a week long trip. We stayed right outside Breakenridge! Luckily while we stayed in Colorado the weather was super nice mostly mid forties. In this weeks blog post I’m sharing what we did each day!


Once we arrived in Colorado we rented out a house. So first my friend and I picked our room! We’re staying with her whole family on her dad’s side, so we were lucky to pick first! And of course we picked a room with a great view of the mountains! For the night we just relaxed as her family wasn’t getting in until later that week. We enjoyed the view by sitting in a hot tub. Also I’ve never been in a hot tub outside when it was cold but it was awesome! To finish off the night we played games and then went to bed!


Wednesday was one of the two days we had nothing planned during the day. This day my friend and I walked done the shops in Breakneridge. I found a couple of awesome clothes too! A yellow ruffle dress and a sporty dress, two of which you will see in future posts! We ate lunch at Empire Burger and our burgers were delicious! Later that night we watched a movie and relaxed. My outfit details are in my last post! I wore this ruffled sleeve cardigan, the post will be linked here!


Thursday was the last night we had alone in the house. First we took showers and got ready. After we made nail appointments! I knew I wanted to keep the colors very springy so I got a mint blue for my fingernails and a mauve pink for my toenails! I love both and think they are perfect colors for this season! Later that night we had reservations for a fondue place on the mountain! It was awesome there! The meal was a four course dinner. First was the salad; second was the cheeses, served with vegetables and bread; third was meat, consisting of chicken and steak; Lastly was chocolate, served with fruit and desserts! Loved eating here and the vibe was so fun with music and dancing!


Friday was our first skiing day! I was super excited but really nervous! Since it was my first time skiing we went in the bunny slopes to get used to it. Let’s just say it took me about 30 minutes just to stand up right. After a while I got the hang of it but liked to move slowly. But what really helped was that it snowed the previous night so it wasn’t too icy and there were a couple parts with fresh powder! That night the rest of my friends family came and we all just hung out and got ready to ski the next day.


Saturday was when I finally got the hang of skiing. Not saying I was good, but I didn’t wipeout as much. Don’t call me for lessons. We skied for most up the morning and a little bit of the afternoon. I was super sore when we were done. I had more fun skiing the second day! So happy I was invited to go because it was really fun!


Sunday was a super chill day! We only had one activity of the schedule for the day, which was tubing! Earlier in the morning we just relaxed and didn’t do too much. Around 1ish we went shopping! This time in Fresco. I got a new workout long sleeve which is super cute and I already wore it! After we went shopping it was time for tubing. Super fun, definitely the highlight of the trip for me. We went in a couple of different formations. Flowers, single, double, and a train. So much fun because as you added for people to the formation the faster it got!


Last day of the trip we left super early (again) in the morning. This was because we had school the next day. For most of the ride home I slept and relaxed. So happy I got to go on this trip and had a great spring break! Let me know what you guys think about my trip! Also what do you prefer, skiing or tubing?

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